Ikarus IK-2
Ikarus IK-2
Izdavač: KAGERO
Autori: Aleksandar M. Ognjević i Branislav J. Mirkov
Jezik pisanja: engleski
ISBN 978-83-66148-62-8
Prilog: Miroslav D. Šljivić
Tridesetih godina prošlog veka Kraljevina Jugoslavija je pokušavala da pronađe svoj put u tehničko tehnološkom razvoju tj. nastojala je da bude što više nezavisna i u tom smislu. Korak po korak u nekim sferama joj je to polazilo za rukom planski a u nekim delovima zahvaljujući izuzetnom entuzijazmu pojedinaca koji su bili prilično smeli i nadasve vešti u svojim profesijama. Dvojica sjajnih vazduhoplovnih inženjera, Ljubomir D. Ilić i Kosta I. Sivčev, su bili među njima. Obojica su u to vreme bili zaposleni u Tehničkom odeljenju Komande vazduhoplovstva i bili su već dokazani u svom poslu pa su nezvanično, u svojoj režiji i nakon posla krenuli u realizaciju svoje ideje. Ta ideja je bila, kako se ispostavilo, jedan od stubova domaće vazduhoplovne konstruktorske misli jer je po prvi put konstruisan i izrađen domaći savremeni lovački avion. IK-2 je bio prvi domaći lovac koji je bio međukorak između dvokrilaca i sve više nadolazećih modernih niskokrilaca, imao je metalnu konstrukciju, topovsko naoružanje i dostizao je brzinu od 435km/h (u oktobru 1936. nezvanično najbrži avion u Evropi sa neuvlačećim stajnim trapom). Cela ideja konstrukcije se zasnivala na konstrukcionom rešenju čuvenog poljskog avijatičara i konstruktora Žigmunda Rafaela Pulavskog koji se proslavio upravo konstruisanjem lovca metalne konstrukcije sa tkzv. Galebovim krilom (po obliku a po nazivu Pulawski wing). Knjiga Ikarus IK-2 autora Aleksandra M. Ognjevića i Branislava J. Mirkova nam predstavlja kompletnu priču o ovom vazduhoplovu, njegovim konstruktorima, sudbini Ike2 pre rata, tokom Aprilskog rata 1941. i kasnije tokom Drugog svetskog rata u službi ZNDH. Autori su uspeli da na pitak način predstave sve faze razvoja konstrukcije i izrade a zatim i eksploatacije ovog lovca koji je svoju ulogu odigrao u kratkotrajnom blickrigu koji je nemačka soldateska sa svojim saveznicima sprovela protiv Kraljevine Jugoslavije aprila 1941. Posebnu vrednost knjige čine svedočenja i opisi borbi mladih pilota koji su leteli na ovim mašinama kao i izuzetan set fotografija. Knjiga je fantastično ilustrovana tehničkim crtežima od prvog prototipa do serijskih primeraka u razmerama 1/72, 1/48 i na posebna dva lista A3 formata u razmeri 1/32. Takođe, ono što je specifično kod svih izdanja MONOGRAPHS SPECIAL EDITION 3D serije je i u ovom slučaju prisutno a to su izuzetno precizni 3D crteži u boji, konstrukcije (npr. struktura „galebovog krila“ na IK-2), nekih delova i sklopova (npr. motor Avia Hispano-Suiza HS 12Ycrs, topovskog i mitraljeskog naoružanja itd) koji su urađeni izuzetno verno i umnogome doprinose boljem razumevanju i doživljaju cele knjige. Takođe, u knjizi su prisute i vanredno dobre 3D ilustracije IK-2 u različitim bojama i označavanjima (od prvog prototipa, preko serijskih „srebrnih“, serijskih trobojnih u lovačkoj šemi do ZNDH farbanja). Sve tehničke crteže i 3D ilustracije potpisuje, očigledno veliki znalac ovog posla, Branislav J. Mirkov (odgovoran i za ilustracije u knjizi IK-3).
Ikarus IK-2 je bio vazduhoplov koji nije napravljen u nekom velikom broju ali je ostavio ogroman i neizbrisiv trag u našoj vazduhoplovnoj istoriji. Knjiga o njemu je dugo čekana i najzad dočekana i to knjiga u kojoj je sve na jednom mestu. Ovo tvrdo koričeno izdanje o našem IK-2 toplo preporučujem svima koje interesuje istorija vazduhoplovstva i tehnike a za maketare je definitivno najbolji izvor informacija koji nam je na raspolaganju.
Ikarus IK-2
Publisher: KAGERO
Authors: Aleksandar M. Ognjević and Branislav J. Mirkov
Writing language: English
ISBN 978-83-66148-62-8
Contribution: Miroslav D. Šljivić
Translation: Nikola D. Rađenović
In the thirties of the last century, the Kingdom of Yugoslavia tried to find its way in technical and technological development. The Kingdom tried to be as independent as possible in that sense as well. There was a gradual development in some industries. In others, it was because of the exceptional enthusiasm of individuals who were quite brave and above all skilled and talented in their professions. Two great and recognized aeronautical engineers, Ljubomir D. Ilić and Kosta I. Sivčev were among them. They were employees of the Technical Department of the Aviation Command at that time. After work, they would unofficially work on their idea. That idea was, as it turned out, one of the pillars of domestic aviation design thought because, for the first time, a domestic modern fighter plane was constructed and made. The IK-2 was the first homemade fighter with an intermediate step between biplanes and more and more upcoming modern low-wingers. It had a metal construction, cannon armament, and could reach the speed of 435km/h. Until October 1936. it was unofficially the fastest plane in Europe with the non-retractable landing gear. The construction was based on the solution of the famous Polish aviator and designer Zigmund Rafael Pulawski who became famous for constructing a metal construction fighter with the so-called Seagull's wing (by shape and by the name Pulawski wing). The book Ikarus IK-2 by Aleksandar M. Ognjević and Branislav J. Mirkov presents a complete story about this aircraft, its constructors, the fate of Ike2 before the war, during the April War of 1941, and later during the Second World War in the service of the ZNDH. The authors presented all phases of development of construction, production, as well as the history of operational services in the short-lived blitzkrieg which German soldiers and its allies conducted against the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in April 1941. Another great thing about this book is the testimonials of young pilots who flew on these machines and an authentic set of photographs. The book has fantastic illustrations with technical drawings from the prototype to serial copies in 1/72, 1/48, and on two special A3 sheets in 1/32. Also, what is specific in all editions of the MONOGRAPHS SPECIAL EDITION 3D series is present in this edition as well like very precise 3D color drawings of constructions (e.g. the structure of the "seagull's wing" on IK-2), drawings of some parts and assemblies (e.g. the engine of Avia Hispano-Suiza HS 12Ycrs, cannon and machine gun weapons, etc.) that greatly contribute to a better understanding and experience of the whole book. Also, the book has a collection of excellent 3D illustrations of IK-2 in different colors and markings, from the prototype, through serial "silver" and serial fighter tricolor scheme to ZNDH painting). All technical drawings and 3D illustrations are signed by Branislav J. Mirkov, who is a great connoisseur of this work. He is also responsible for all illustrations in the book IK-3.
The Ikarus IK-2 was an aircraft that was not made in large numbers but left an indelible mark in our aviation history. This book has been long-awaited and finally welcomed. Everything is in one place. I warmly recommend this hardcover edition of our IK-2 to anyone interested in the history of aviation and technology, especially to modelers, as it is currently the best source of information available to us.